Orks are better than space marines
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Orks have a greater advantage than Space Marines

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As you know. Orks have a greater advantage in battle then Space Marines

This is a nobz mob that can kill any single handed Space Marine
Orks are so tough that 5 nob guys could take out a whole space marine team in close combat. Thats the special ability for orks. As we can say. Orks are weak in the open but deadly in close combat.

Orks have already won
In my Codex (the book that tells how to use Orks in the battlefield)their are notes from the space marine boss saying that orks have already won as their huge numbers are too powerful.
The good thing about orks is that they grow from the ground and when they are born they already know how to fight and speak their language. With space marines and catachans they have to take 5 years to speak english and other 15 years to learn how to fight proply in boot camp which can be a long process.

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Space Marines
Here on the left are the Space Marines. Space Marines can't realy fight like a man. Space Marines have to have all of this armour for them to Survive. Not like Orks, they basicly have no armour and they try to kill the space marines. Orks are very dumb and don't know the meaning of life. So they go on suicide missions.

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Space Marines are also armed and armoured as befits an elite fighting force. They are equipped for battle with a wide selection of deadly weaponry, ranging from the boltgun up to the deadly assault cannon and Whirlwind multi-launchers. Best of all is their superb power armour, which in itself means that two thirds of the wounds they would suffer in combat simply bounce off. This is an advantage for the Space Marines

Burna Boyz rule
These guys can take out a big bunch of guys with their powerful flamers. They are weak against explosions and firepower but powerful close up.