Greg's mad link page
Greg's best home page

Animations and pictures 2 the Movie

Skating Animations

Simpsons and South Park Animations

Stick figure animations

More stick figure Animations

Last Animation Page

Skateboarding deck catalog page

Orks have a greater advantage than Space Marines

Greg's favourite animations ( There's only 3)


Chat to other skaters

Greg's mad Dragonball z page

If you like X.MEN or Wolverine come to this page


Look down below at Greg's links
Down below are some mad sites that my friends made and some other sites that might be useful to look at.

CATACHANS are a group of stealth and are a pwerful force with their mighty tanks which are very hard to stop.

Oz2i3 clan page You can do lots of stuff on this site
A mobile site which has some kool ringtones This site is good for People like to do things to their mobile phones
Yahoo! This is a mad search engine
A mad south park page This page has everything you need.

More useful links
Lukes mad web site This is a mad page that has cool animations and skateboarding pictures
If it's a shonky process go to Joshs site Go to this site and if your lucky you could be part of the shonky team. make sure you go here than u will have lots of skill
Johns web page Johns Page with Nrl teams
Stick figure animations This is where I got most of my stick figure animations from.
Mad multiplayer site This site has nearly every game that you can play multiplayer on.
The offical Warhammer page If you want to start collecting Warhammer go to this site. I think you should get orks as they are a superior clan.
A mad cheat code site for all systems This site will give cheats for PSX, PSX2,Dreamcast,sega saturn and there is one more but I forgot what it was.
Go to hotmail and Have a free e-mail address If you havn't signed up to hotmail or you havn't got an e-mail address you can sign up for free.
A skating page This has heaps of skating pictures