Greg's best home page

Animations and pictures 2 the Movie

Skating Animations

Simpsons and South Park Animations

Stick figure animations

More stick figure Animations

Last Animation Page

Skateboarding deck catalog page

Orks have a greater advantage than Space Marines

Greg's favourite animations ( There's only 3)


Chat to other skaters

Greg's mad Dragonball z page

If you like X.MEN or Wolverine come to this page

WELCOME TO GREGS BEST WEB SITE. Which includes things pictures and animations of my hobbies.
Hey my name Is cool Greg and this is my coolest web site.My hobbies are collecting stuff and doing mad skateboarding tricks. Theres a picture of me doing a drop off. The animation on the left is pretty good huh. If you want to see more animations and pictures click on the pictures page or pictures page 2 or 3. There are some other mad sites that are heaps good,but not as good as mine.
So after you have seen my site go to the other sites.
Talking about my skateboarding tricks
I'm a really good skater that can do heaps of tricks like 50-50 to darkslide.A kickflip,healflip to fakie and alot more but the're is too many tricks to name. My best trick on a ramp is a 720 and I landed it after 30 attempts. It took me ages.
My tip is keep practicing every day and you will soon be like Tony Hawk and do the 900.
Greg has all the skills
Everyone knows that Greg has the skills.
There will be updates once in a while but when the updates do come they will be better than anyone else and I know you will like it. The update is only for WHATS NEW. Sorry you can't sent me a e-mail because to many people think im heaps kool and they sent me too many e-mails and I can't be bothered to delete the messages. Still check my web site at least once a month

The mad picture on the right
This a heaps mad animation doing a nollie hardflip. It's a heaps hard trick to do and my friend learnt it before I did but now I can do it and I can do more tricks than him.
go to lukes mad site that has skating pictures and much much more. It even has mad pictures of pigs


This guy is doing a nollie hardflip

Go to Gregs brand new 100% warhammer site